So since this is a new blog, I think I need to introduce myself.

from reality.creatures import Human

DerSchinken = Human(
  name = "Paul",
  age = 17,
  hobbies = [
    "Playing PC Games"

So that’s gotta do it … Just kidding xD.
I started coding pretty early on, I don’t know since when anymore, but I’m pretty sure that it’s at least more than 5 years.
I started with batch files on the Old PC from my Grandfather, and after he restricted the time I could access the internet, since … well I was pretty young, I made my own ways of entertainment:

  1. Playing Tic Tac Toe is a lot of fun, especially when it’s you that made it
  2. I liked coding (which is why I’m still doing it)

But after some time I found Python and ever since I’m in love with it, so good-looking so many possibilities and of course good quirks which actually make sense xD.
Also, as I got older I grew together more and more with the Internet (that sounds weird, but I don’t know any better way of saying it right now xD), and because of that I wanted to remove the internet time restriction I had, and by doing, so I also learned a good bit about networks (although I’m not a pro in that territory).

So that’s a good look at my background. But what am I doing right now?

  • II “work” at a Design company (I am doing an entry-level qualification, in German: EQ - Einstiegsqualifizierung)
  • At work I currently create Typo3 Extensions with PHP, HTML and so on
  • In my spare time, I prefer Python by millions of miles (compared to PHP)
  • And I’m getting C forced on to me by my school. I mean, C is cool, but my school thinks that you need to cover every edge case in basically anything and deducts points for that -.-

So I hope you found my introduction interesting and I hope to see you again sometime in the future.